Reuse Organisation of the Year – have your say!

Posted on the 1st August 2023

Reuse Organisation of the Year Award

The prestigious Reuse Network Awards have returned for 2023 and we are excited to celebrate the many achievements of our sector with a fantastic Awards Ceremony.

Thank you to Viridor for sponsoring these awards and giving each of the shortlisted volunteers the opportunity to attend the full conference, Gala Dinner and Awards Ceremony. 

Voting for the Reuse Organisation of the Year Award has now closed. The winner will be announced at the Awards Ceremony during the Gala Dinner after the conference on Tuesday 10th October. Find out who won. 

Colt Enterprise

Colt Enterprise was established in 2005 as a supporting social enterprise to Project Colt, a recovery charity for people living with addiction. Project Colt supports adults in Calderdale with drug and/or alcohol issues to achieve sustainable healthy lifestyles free of addiction.  

From 2005 to present day, Colt Enterprise has prevented thousands of tons of waste entering landfill. The diverted goods have been repurposed, resold, or donated to families in need. The sorting of donations, upcycling of furniture and running of Colt Enterprise’s retail sector has generated 9 employed roles, 45 volunteer placements and the organisation works alongside 12 collaborators. 

Not only is the organisation helping in the battle against climate change, but it is also assisting with the battle against homelessness, life controlling addictions, loneliness, and discrimination. 

Emmaus Village Carlton

At Emmaus Village Carlton people who have experienced (or been at risk of) homelessness, find a place where they can enjoy companionship and support. Each person has their own bedroom whilst living in the community. All companions (residents) work full time and there is work for everyone. The Emmaus Home StoreBoutiqueBric a Brac shop and Bistro provide a commercial setting where skills can be learned in a friendly atmosphere.

Companions can stay as long as they wish and are offered opportunities to acquire skills. When a companion wants to move on, they will be assisted to find accommodation and work. 

The charity tries to reuse and recycle as much as possible including metals and wood, but its greatest success story has been its textiles and books. In the last year (July 22 to June 23) Emmaus Village Carlton has sent over 160 tonnes combined to recycling or resell providers. This is a significant increase on previous years which has been made possible thanks to its staff, companions and volunteers all buying into the ethos behind it. Not only does it produce much-needed revenue for the charity, for the organisation, this is ethically important regarding the environment and goes a long way to reducing its carbon footprint.

NULife Furniture

NULife Furniture is a furniture poverty project that is part of Cadwyn housing association, they work with Cardiff Council, as well as housing associations within Cardiff and other organisations such as child services to ensure those suffering with furniture poverty get what they so desperately need.  

Between April 22 – March 23 NULife Furniture helped 357 families gain access to essential furniture for their homes. In this time the organisation also saved 7,706 items of furniture from going to landfill.  

As part of its work, NULife Furniture runs a volunteer support program which currently supports 15 volunteers. Collectively, the volunteering hours at the organisation add up to over 4,000 hours each year. NULife has helped volunteers find paid employment, since April 2022 4 of its 6 paid members of staff were previously volunteers at NuLife. Volunteers get the opportunity to try their hand at many other opportunities such as PAT Testing, learning to drive, first aid and attending various upcycling and repair workshops. 

Refurbs Flintshire

Refurbs Flintshire aims are to provide affordable furniture, to provide work placement, training and volunteering opportunities, to make people aware of the benefits of reusing and recycling, to reduce pollution and protect the environment, and to promote sustainable waste management practice.   

Over the past year it has significantly grown its benefits for both the community and waste reduction through new initiatives.   

In early 2021 Refurbs secured funding to transform a vacant former bank into a repair and re-use centre with café in Buckley town centre, achieving the complete renovation within three months. Since then, the organisation has achieved its ambition of becoming a thriving re-use hub for the local community – offering monthly repair sessions with a team of 6 committed volunteers. It is used as a meeting point for local groups, community meetings, PCSO advice sessions and more. 

As well as reducing waste, the charity’s achievements are having significant benefit for people who are isolated or closely managing their finances – especially important with the cost-of-living crisis. Its established team of volunteers are sharing their skills with the community while gaining social benefits. 


St Vincent de Paul Society- Social Enterprise Bradford is a registered charity that is cause-driven. Its Social Enterprise was created to overcome local issues and challenges including poverty, isolation, education provision, support, and advice to marginalised members of its community.  

Social Enterprise Bradford works within its community, offering support to those facing poverty in all its forms, friendship when loneliness seems inevitable, and kindness when the world feels unfair.  

The financial benefit of all its projects ensures that the organisation can offer its community essential practical support in the form of food parcels, free hot meals, white goods, furniture, clothing, and essential household items at a cost suited to their budget. The organisation also offers educational-based classes such as ESOL, employability classes, and wellbeing classes.  

As well as this, the organisation runs a community café, a community garden, a men’s shed and a repair café. Each of these attributes to the work the organisation is doing to support its community whilst also tackling climate change. 

TCL Reuse

TCL Reuse operates from a warehouse in Ilford, East London. As well as providing low-cost furniture for those in need, the organisation also currently employs 6 men who have completed the Teen Challenge rehabilitation programme which helps young people out of addiction. The charity does a lot of work to support young people by offering work experience to those in rehabilitation in Teen Challenge London and those who are receiving help to escape gang affiliation from its sister charity Exit Foundation. 

During the pandemic, TCL Reuse made the bold step of expanding its warehouse by adding a new 2500ft mezzanine floor to the building. This work was done with the help of the men in the rehabilitation program. This was a huge undertaking that has helped the charity offer more to the local community. 

In December 2022 the charity’s umbrella organisation, TCL London, moved its rehabilitation program from Ilford to Norwich. This was a massive blow, with many volunteers leaving, however, the staff and volunteers that remained responded incredibly well to the changes.  

TCL Reuse said, “Acknowledging the current staff and volunteers with this award would be a fantastic morale booster, our staff and volunteers work tirelessly. Their commitment is second to none. Recognition of the TCL REUSE Centre would be so encouraging for all involved.” 

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